USS Virgil :: Lieutenant Morgan Kelly

Lieutenant Morgan Kelly

Name Morgan Kelly

Position Tactical Officer

Rank Lieutenant

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Human
Age 27

Physical Appearance

Height 6' 4"
Hair Color Brown
Eye Color Blue
Physical Description Kelly's physique picks him out as a cliche of Starfleet Security. Standing at over six feet he is physically imposing and has a deep scar which runs down his right forearm and onto the side of his hand.


Sister(s) Tegan Kelly - Security Officer - USS Charleston


General Overview Psych evaluations have consistently placed an importance on Kelly's predilection for humour (even in inopportune locations) as his most abiding personality trait. Different evaluators have suggested this both as a flaw and a strength but it is impossible to doubt that he has the best interests of his comrades at heart and will always consider the intricacies of an argument before offering an opinion.

Traits & Skills

Skill 1 Please Select One
Skill 2 Astrophysics

Personal History

Service Record 2388 - 2390 - Security Officer/Liasion Officer (USS Jackal/Starbase 332)
2390 - 2392 - Tactical Officer (USS Putnam)
2392 - Tactical Officer (USS Virgil)