USS Virgil :: Lieutenant (P) Finnley Rothbort


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Wed Sep 20th, 2017 @ 1:06pm

Lieutenant (P) Finnley Rothbort

Name Finnley "Roth" Rothbort

Position Chief Flight Operations Officer

Second Position Pilot

Rank Lieutenant (P)

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Human
Age 31

Physical Appearance

Height 6' 0"
Weight 153lbs
Hair Color Blonde
Eye Color Blue
Physical Description Neither overly muscular or stick thin, Roth's physical form falls into the ambiguous grey area in-between. The most accurate description he has heard of himself to date is "sort of flabby, sort of not." Throughout his life so far he's worn whatever he's felt comfortable in (with no guidance whatsoever when it came to fashion), and finds his new uniform to be restrictive and uncomfortable - so he rarely wears it in what would be considered a regulation way. Zips half undone, sleeves rolled up, or jacket on the floor next to his console are all far more common a sight than Roth wearing a Starfleet uniform in the way its designers intended.



General Overview A laid-back guy with a dry and occasionally laconic sense of humour, often fulfilling the role of the entertainer of whatever group he finds himself with. He is outgoing, social and group-oriented, feeling more comfortable around others than on his own. The only exception is when he is in a cockpit; he is more than content to remain alone for hours at the helm of a ship.
Roth tends to lean towards the pragmatic, cut-and-run option in any shipboard debates, and often serves as the calming influence in heated arguments. His actions sometimes appear less than heroic, but he is more than willing to put himself in harm's way and do violence on behalf of his friends and those he cares about when push comes to shove.
As a pilot, Roth's flying style switches between near panic and a Zen-like calm. The attitude he displays always seems to be in inverse proportion to the degree of danger he believes he and the ship are in at any particular moment, acting the most calm when facing the greatest danger.

Roth always introduces himself as "Roth", as opposed to his given name. The reason he's always given is "who would call themselves Finnley?"
Ambitions As a child, Roth's ambition was to see the stars beyond his own world, on which the pollution was so high that it was impossible to see the stars. After achieving that desire by becoming a pilot, Roth now only seeks adventure, with no other particular ambitions driving his actions. This want of adventure has often led him to take on jobs of questionable legality, landing him on the wrong side of the law on more than one occasion.
Hobbies & Interests For years he has kept small toy robots on his pilot's console, which he plays with when there is a lull in the action - it is yet to be seen whether this will be allowed to continue on a Starfleet ship. He has relatively few hobbies outside of that, spending most of his time either piloting or exploring the worlds he ends up on.

Traits & Skills

Strengths & Weaknesses Roth's reputation as an excellent pilot has reached far, and he is widely considered to be among the best in his profession, if a little unconventional at times. He has a very practical mind, preferring not to get bogged down in theory, and is excellent at improvising. Due to the many previous jobs he has had, he has a number of shady connections amongst the galaxy's black market.
Skill 1 Piloting
Skill 2 Black Market

Personal History

Personal History Born on a world with such high levels of pollution that you couldn't see the stars, Roth grew up hearing all of the spacers that used to visit the spaceport talking about how wondrous it was up in the cosmos, and became a pilot to, in his own words "see what everyone thought all the fuss was about." He showed a high level of aptitude right from the beginning, and passed second in his class of the local pilots school. Taking the first job that would take him off-world, Roth travelled widely, hopping from job to job as each new opportunity arose, never tying himself down to one group or location for long.

Over the years, as he searched for the next exciting thing, his jobs occasionally veered onto the wrong side of the law, and he has run smuggling jobs for more than a few disreputable groups, though he always drew the line at refusing jobs that just seemed plain wrong, refusing to partake in any job that would directly lead to anyone's death. Given the number of jobs he has taken, he has been arrested a surprisingly low number of times, and never as a result of being caught in a chase between ships. Over the years, his reputation as a pilot has grown, to the point that he has a list of pilots seeking to hire him as long as his leg, meaning he can take the pick of the most interesting jobs - often passing up higher-paying jobs if he feels that they will be boring.

Roth's last job before joining up with the Virgil's crew was a smuggling job to steal a Tholian Web Generator for arm of the Orion Syndicate on Renavi. The first stage of the job was largely successful - Roth was able to sneak into Tholian space and park the ship within transporter range of a Tholian shipyard. The heist crew were able to obtain the generator and return to the ship, and Roth got them as far as the Lembatta Nebula, but the ship they had used for the heist was in poor repair, and the thruster assembly blew before they could reach Renavi, taking out the power lines to the warp engines as well, leaving the ship adrift. The explosion caught the attention of a nearby Federation ship, and with no way to escape, Roth and the rest of the crew were arrested and taken to Cestus III to await trial.